Forklift with tynes in the air

It’s All About the Forks: Forklift Safety

Forklifts are consistently one of the most dangerous workplace hazards. In fact, OSHA ranked forklifts the 7th most cited hazard across all workplaces. OSHA estimates there is a 90% probability of a forklift being involved in a serious injury or a fatal accident.   While a number of operator or pedestrian mistakes can cause forklift accidents,…

HIT-NOT proximity detection personal detection device required for entry sign on floor

How Does HIT-NOT Work?

Discover how HIT-NOT works to save lives and reduce costs in the warehouse industry using precise magnetic fields and a state-of-the-art alert system.  Forklifts and other types of mobile equipment are essential for material handling. Unfortunately, many of the safety solutions created for forklifts fail to address the full range of risks they present.  The…

forklift driver with a load

Qualifications for a Forklift Driver

One of the most common and in-demand jobs in any warehouse is that of a forklift driver. Forklift drivers are necessary for virtually any industry you can think of, from lumber to food processing. If you’re considering becoming a forklift driver, the following qualifications will get you on the right track.  These qualifications break down…

2 people standing next to a forklift

4 Ultimate Forklift Safety Tips

Forklifts are notoriously one of the most dangerous pieces of equipment on a job site or in a warehouse. In fact, they are a leading cause of injury in the warehouse industry.  Operators and pedestrians alike are in danger when a forklift is not properly used. Some of the more common forklift accidents involve being…

front of a forklift

How to Prevent a Near Miss

A “Near Miss” Is… The phrase “near-miss” or “close call” is common for those working in and around warehouses. OSHA would define a near miss as an incident where “a worker might have been injured if the circumstances had been slightly different.”  These incidents can occur due to unsafe conditions or an employee acting unsafely.…