Yellow safety signs for forklift safety in a warehouse

Warehouses are filled with heavy machinery and other products that can present hazards at every turn. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 5% of all warehouse workers will get injured every year.

That’s why it’s imperative all warehouse workers know how to report unsafe working conditions. 

Steps to Report Unsafe Conditions

There are two routes an employee can take to report unsafe working conditions. 

Report to Employer

The first step a warehouse worker can take is to report directly to an employer such as a superior or human resources department. Employees can work with their employer to define expectations and outline accountability.

Employers and employees should work together to build safe work behavior and environments into every role within a warehouse. 

File a Complaint to OSHA

OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration organization in the United States. OSHA covers most private-sector jobs and all federal jobs. There are a few different ways to report unsafe working conditions to OSHA. 

OSHA has offices located throughout the country, which means every warehouse worker has a local OSHA office. Employees looking to report a hazardous condition are free to make the report both in-person or over the phone at their local office

An employee can also file a report online or send it via fax, mail, or email. 

Reports to OSHA are confidential and are designed as a way for employees to keep their work environment and coworkers safe. 

Prevent Unsafe Working Conditions

Don’t wait for a near-miss, injury, or death to begin implementing an effective safety plan. Below are four products warehouse employees can suggest to their employers that would improve workplace safety across the board. 

  1. HIT-NOT: HIT-NOT is a collision prevention system that works on all types of mobile equipment. It warns both pedestrian operators of potential collisions. The HIT-NOT system can penetrate walls, product, machinery, and racks and is capable of reading dangers around blind corners. 
  2. WheriTrack: WheriTrack is a lone worker safety solution. It is a tracking device equipped with a panic button for emergencies and fall detection. The WheriTrack is ideal for lone workers or warehouse workers who might find themselves alone often. 
  3. Smart Camera Sensors: Smart camera sensors are 3D sensors for harsh environments. These sensors are able to detect and assist with surveillance, line guidance, distance monitoring, object recognition, and more. 
  4. Halo: Halo is a contact tracing sensor that can keep employees safe and aware during COVID-19 and potential future outbreaks. It alerts the wearer when they pass within six-feet of another employee and keeps track of all employees who may come in close proximity to one another. This tracking makes it easy to limit outbreaks and keep employees healthy. 

SynTech crafts custom safety solutions for all stages of the supply chain. We work with each customer’s unique safety concerns to build a system that will keep all their workers safe. To stay ahead of the dangers of a warehouse, contact us today.